Live MySQL Slave Rebuild with Percona Toolkit

MySQL slave data out of sync

MySQL slave data out of syncRecently, we had an edge case where a MySQL slave went out-of-sync but it couldn’t be rebuilt from scratch. The slave was acting as a master server to some applications and it had data was being written to it. It was a design error, and this is not recommended, but it happened. So how do you synchronize the data in this circumstance? This blog post describes the steps taken to recover from this situation. The tools used to recover the slave were pt-slave-restartpt-table-checksum, pt-table-sync and mysqldiff.


To illustrate this situation, it was built a master x slave configuration with sysbench running on the master server to simulate a general application workload. The environment was set with a Percona Server 5.7.24-26 and sysbench 1.0.16.

Below are the sysbench commands to prepare and simulate the workload:

# Create Data
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=msandbox 
  --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --mysql-db=test --range_size=100 
  --table_size=5000 --tables=100 --threads=1 --events=0 --time=60 
  --rand-type=uniform /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_only.lua prepare
# Simulate Workload
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=msandbox 
  --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --mysql-db=test --range_size=100 
  --table_size=5000 --tables=100 --threads=10 --events=0 --time=6000 
  --rand-type=uniform /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --report-interval=1 run

With the environment set, the slave server was stopped, and some operations to desynchronize the slave were performed to reproduce the problem.

Fixing the issue

With the slave desynchronized, a restart on the replication was executed. Immediately, the error below appeared:

Last_IO_Errno: 1236
Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file'

To recover the slave from this error, we had to point the slave to an existing binary log with a valid binary log position. To get a valid binary log position, the command shown below had to be executed on the master:

master [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > show master statusG
*************************** 1. row ***************************
File: mysql-bin.000007
Position: 218443612
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Then, a CHANGE MASTER command was run on the slave:

slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} (test) > change master to master_log_file='mysql-bin.000007', MASTER_LOG_POS=218443612;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} (test) > start slave;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Now the slave had a valid binary log file to read, but since it was inconsistent, it hit another error:

Last_SQL_Errno: 1032
               Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Delete_rows event on table test.sbtest8; Can't find record in 'sbtest8', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.000005, end_log_pos 326822861

Working past the errors

Before fixing the inconsistencies, it was necessary to keep the replication running and to skip the errors. For this, the pt-slave-restart tool will be used. The tool needs to be run on the slave server:

pt-slave-restart --user root --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --ask-pass

The tool skips errors and starts the replication threads. Below is an example of the output of the pt-slave-restart:

$ pt-slave-restart --user root --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock --ask-pass
Enter password:
2019-02-22T14:18:01 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007        1996 1146
2019-02-22T14:18:02 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007        8698 1146
2019-02-22T14:18:02 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007       38861 1146

Finding the inconsistencies

With the tool running on one terminal, the phase to check the inconsistencies began. First things first, an object definition check was performed using mysqldiff utility. The mysqldiff tool is part of MySQL utilities. To execute the tool:

$ mysqldiff --server1=root:msandbox@localhost:48008 --server2=root:msandbox@localhost:48009 test:test --difftype=sql --changes-for=server2

And below are the differences found between the master and the slave:

1-) A table that doesn’t exist

# WARNING: Objects in server1.test but not in server2.test:
# TABLE: joinit

2-) A wrong table structure

# Comparing `test`.`sbtest98` to `test`.`sbtest98` [FAIL]
# Transformation for --changes-for=server2:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`sbtest98`
ADD INDEX k_98 (k);

Performing the recommendations on the slave (creating the table and the table modification) the object’s definition was now equal. The next step was to check data consistency. For this, the pt-table-checksum was used to identify which tables are out-of-sync. This command was run on the master server.

$ pt-table-checksum -uroot -pmsandbox --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48008.sock --replicate=percona.checksums --create-replicate-table --empty-replicate-table --no-check-binlog-format --recursion-method=hosts

And an output example:

01 master]$ pt-table-checksum --recursion-method dsn=D=percona,t=dsns --no-check-binlog-format --nocheck-replication-filter --host --user root --port 48008 --password=msandbox
Checking if all tables can be checksummed ...
Starting checksum ...
  at /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum line 332.
Replica lag is 66 seconds on  Waiting.
Replica lag is 46 seconds on  Waiting.
Replica lag is 33 seconds on  Waiting.
02-26T16:27:59      0      0     5000          0       1       0   0.037 test.sbtest1
02-26T16:27:59      0      0     5000          0       1       0   0.039 test.sbtest10
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.033 test.sbtest100
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.034 test.sbtest11
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.040 test.sbtest12
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.034 test.sbtest13

Fixing the data inconsistencies

Analyzing the DIFFS column it is possible to identify which tables were compromised. With this information, the pt-table-sync tool was used to fix these inconsistencies. The tool synchronizes MySQL table data efficiently, performing non-op changes on the master so they can be replicated and applied on the slave. The tools need to be run on the slave server. Below is an example of the tool running:

$ pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master h=localhost,u=root,p=msandbox,D=test,t=sbtest100,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock

It is possible to perform a dry-run of the tool before executing the changes to check what changes the tool will apply:

$ pt-table-sync --print --sync-to-master h=localhost,u=root,p=msandbox,D=test,t=sbtest100,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock
REPLACE INTO `test`.`sbtest100`(`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) VALUES ('1', '1654', '97484653464-60074971666-42998564849-40530823048-27591234964-93988623123-02188386693-94155746040-59705759910-14095637891', '15000678573-85832916990-95201670192-53956490549-57402857633') /*percona-toolkit src_db:test src_tbl:sbtest100 src_dsn:D=test,P=48008,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root dst_db:test dst_tbl:sbtest100 dst_dsn:D=test,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=localhost,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:17806 user:vinicius.grippa*/;
REPLACE INTO `test`.`sbtest100`(`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) VALUES ('2', '3007', '31679133794-00154186785-50053859647-19493043469-34585653717-64321870163-33743380797-12939513287-31354198555-82828841987', '30122503210-11153873086-87146161761-60299188705-59630949292') /*percona-toolkit src_db:test src_tbl:sbtest100 src_dsn:D=test,P=48008,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root dst_db:test dst_tbl:sbtest100 dst_dsn:D=test,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=localhost,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:17806 user:vinicius.grippa*/;

After executing the pt-table-sync, we recommend that you run the pt-table-checksum again and check if the DIFFS column shows the value of 0.


This blog post was intended to cover all possible issues that could happen on a slave when it goes out-of-sync such as DDL operations, binary log purge and DML operations. This process involves many steps and it could take a long time to finish, especially in large databases. Note that this process might take longer than the backup/restore process. However, in situations like the one mentioned above, it might be the only solution to recover a slave.

Image based on Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash


Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 Is Now Available

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6

Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 on March 15, 2019 (downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories).

This release includes fixes to bugs found in previous releases of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

Incompatible changes

In previous releases, the audit log used to produce time stamps inconsistent with the ISO 8601 standard. Release 8.0.15-5 of Percona Server for MySQL solves this problem. This change, however, may break programs that rely on the old time stamp format.

Starting from release 8.0.15-5, Percona Server for MySQL uses the upstream implementation of binary log encryption. The variable encrypt_binlog is removed and the related command line option --encrypt_binlog is not supported. It is important that you remove the encrypt_binlog variable from your configuration file before you attempt to upgrade either from another release in the Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 series or from Percona Server for MySQL 5.7. Otherwise, a server boot error will be produced reporting an unknown variable. The implemented binary log encryption is compatible with the old format: the binary log encrypted in a previous version of MySQL 8.0 series or Percona Server for MySQL are supported.

See MySQL documentation for more information: Encrypting Binary Log Files and Relay Log Files and binlog_encryption variable.

This release is based on MySQL 8.0.14 and MySQL 8.0.15. It includes all bug fixes in these releases. Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.14 was skipped.

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 is now the current GA release in the 8.0 series. All of Percona’s software is open-source and free.

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 includes all the features available in MySQL 8.0 Community Edition in addition to enterprise-grade features developed by Percona. For a list of highlighted features from both MySQL 8.0 and Percona Server for MySQL 8.0, please see the GA release announcement.


If you are upgrading from 5.7 to 8.0, please ensure that you read the upgrade guide and the document Changed in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

Bugs Fixed

  • The audit log produced time stamps inconsistent with the ISO 8601 standard. Bug fixed PS-226.
  • FLUSH commands written to the binary log could cause errors in case of replication. Bug fixed PS-1827 (upstream #88720).
  • When audit_plugin was enabled, the server could use a lot of memory when handling large queries. Bug fixed PS-5395.
  • The page cleaner could sleep for long time when the system clock was adjusted to an earlier point in time. Bug fixed PS-5221 (upstream #93708).
  • In some cases, the MyRocks storage engine could crash without triggering the crash recovery. Bug fixed PS-5366.
  • In some cases, when it failed to read from a file, InnoDB did not inform the name of the file in the related error message. Bug fixed PS-2455 (upstream #76020).
  • The ACCESS_DENIED field of the information_schema.user_statistics table was not updated correctly. Bugs fixed PS-3956 and PS-4996.
  • MyRocks could crash while running START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT if other transactions were in specific states. Bug fixed PS-4705.
  • In some cases, the server using the the MyRocks storage engine could crash when TTL (Time to Live) was defined on a table. Bug fixed PS-4911.
  • MyRocks incorrectly processed transactions in which multiple statements had to be rolled back. Bug fixed PS-5219.
  • A stack buffer overrun could happen if the redo log encryption with key rotation was enabled. Bug fixed PS-5305.
  • The TokuDB storage engine would assert on load when used with jemalloc 5.x. Bug fixed PS-5406.

Other bugs fixed: PS-4106PS-4107PS-4108PS-4121PS-4474PS-4640PS-5055PS-5218PS-5263PS-5328PS-5369.

Find the release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 in our online documentation. Report bugs in the Jira bug tracker.

Upcoming Webinar Wed 2/6: Percona Software News and Roadmap Update

Percona Software News and Roadmap Update Webinar

Percona Software News and Roadmap Update WebinarJoin Percona CEO Peter Zaitsev as he presents Percona Software News and Roadmap Update on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, at 11:00 AM PST (UTC-8) / 2:00 PM EST (UTC-5).

Register Now

Come and listen to Percona CEO Peter Zaitsev discuss what’s new in Percona open source software. Topics include Percona Server for MySQL and MongoDB, Percona XtraBackup, Percona Toolkit, Percona XtraDB Cluster and Percona Monitoring and Management.

During this webinar, Peter will talk about newly released features in Percona software. He will also show a few quick demos and share with you highlights from the Percona open source software roadmap.

Peter will also talk about new developments in Percona commercial services and finish with a Q&A.

Register today to join Peter for his Percona Software News and Roadmap Update.

ProxySQL 1.4.14 and Updated proxysql-admin Tool

ProxySQL 1.4.14

ProxySQL 1.4.14

ProxySQL 1.4.14, released by ProxySQL, is now available for download in the Percona Repository along with an updated version of Percona’s proxysql-admin tool.

ProxySQL is a high-performance proxy, currently for MySQL,  and database servers in the MySQL ecosystem (like Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB). It acts as an intermediary for client requests seeking resources from the database. René Cannaò created ProxySQL for DBAs as a means of solving complex replication topology issues.

The ProxySQL 1.4.14 source and binary packages available from the Percona download page for ProxySQL include ProxySQL Admin – a tool developed by Percona to configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL. Docker images for release 1.4.14 are available as well. You can download the original ProxySQL from GitHub. GitHub hosts the documentation in the wiki format.

This release introduces an improvement on how proxysql-admin works with the --max-connections option. In previous releases, this option always equaled to 1000. Now, proxysql_galera_checker uses the value of the --max-connections option set by the user either in the command line (proxysql-admin --max-connections) or in the configuration file.

If the user doesn’t set this option, it defaults to 1000.


  • PSQLADM-130: Every time a node is removed and then added back, proxysql_galera_checker script restores the custom value of the --max-connections option set using proxysql-admin --max-connections.
  • The --syncusers option of proxysql-admin starts to support MariaDB. Thanks to Jonas Kint (@jonaskint) for this contribution.

ProxySQL is available under Open Source license GPLv3.

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.25-28 Is Now Available

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Server 5.7.25-28 on February 18, 2019. Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories.

This release is based on MySQL 5.7.25 and includes all the bug fixes in it. Percona Server 5.7.25-28 is now the current GA (Generally Available) release in the 5.7 series.

All software developed by Percona is open-source and free.

In this release, Percona Server introduces the variable binlog_skip_flush_commands. This variable controls whether or not FLUSH commands are written to the binary log. Setting this variable to ON can help avoid problems in replication. For more information, refer to our documentation.


If you’re currently using Percona Server 5.7, Percona recommends upgrading to this version of 5.7 prior to upgrading to Percona Server 8.0.

Bugs fixed

  • FLUSH commands written to the binary log could cause errors in case of replication. Bug fixed #1827: (upstream #88720).
  • Running LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUP followed by STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD could block replication preventing it from being restarted normally. Bug fixed #4758.
  • The ACCESS_DENIED field of the information_schema.user_statistics table was not updated correctly. Bug fixed #3956.
  • MySQL could report that the maximum number of connections was exceeded with too many connections being in the CLOSE_WAIT state. Bug fixed #4716 (upstream #92108)
  • Wrong query results could be received in semi-join sub queries with materialization-scan that allowed inner tables of different semi-join nests to interleave. Bug fixed #4907 (upstream bug #92809).
  • In some cases, the server using the the MyRocks storage engine could crash when TTL (Time to Live) was defined on a table. Bug fixed #4911
  • Running the SELECT statement with the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses could result in a less than optimal performance. Bug fixed #4949 (upstream #92850)
  • There was a typo in mysqld_safe.shtrottling was replaced with throttling. Bug fixed #240. Thanks to Michael Coburn for the patch.
  • MyRocks could crash while running START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT if other transactions were in specific states. Bug fixed #4705,
  • In some cases, mysqld could crash when inserting data into a database the name of which contained special characters (CVE-2018-20324). Bug fixed #5158.
  • MyRocks incorrectly processed transactions in which multiple statements had to be rolled back. Bug fixed #5219.
  • In some cases, the MyRocks storage engine could crash without triggering the crash recovery. Bug fixed #5366.
  • When bootstrapped with undo or redo log encryption enabled on a very fast storage, the server could fail to start. Bug fixed #4958.

Other bugs fixed: #2455#4791#4855#4996#5268.

This release also contains fixes for the following CVE issues: CVE-2019-2534, CVE-2019-2529, CVE-2019-2482, CVE-2019-2434.

Find the release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.25-28 in our online documentation. Report bugs in the Jira bug tracker.


Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 1.17.1 Is Now Available

Percona Monitoring and Management 1.17.0

Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a free and open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL®, MongoDB®, and PostgreSQL performance. You can run PMM in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis for MySQL®, MongoDB®, and PostgreSQL® servers to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

In this release, we are introducing support for detection of our upcoming PMM 2.0 release in order to avoid potential version conflicts in the future, as PMM 1.x will not be compatible with PMM 2.x.

Another improvement in this release is we have updated the Tooltips for Dashboard MySQL Query Response Time by providing a description of what the graphs display, along with links to related documentation resources. An example of Tooltips in action:

PMM 1.17.1 release provides fixes for CVE-2018-16492 and CVE-2018-16487 vulnerabilities, related to Node.js modules. The authentication system used in PMM is not susceptible to the attacks described in these CVE reports. PMM does not use client-side data objects to control user-access.

In release 1.17.1 we have included two improvements and fixed nine bugs.


  • PMM-1339: Improve tooltips for MySQL Query Response Time dashboard
  • PMM-3477: Add Ubuntu 18.10 support

Fixed Bugs

  • PMM-3471: Fix global status metric names in mysqld_exporter for MySQL 8.0 compatibility
  • PMM-3400: Duplicate column in the Query Analytics dashboard Explain section
  • PMM-3353: postgres_exporter does not work with PostgreSQL 11
  • PMM-3188: Duplicate data on Amazon RDS / Aurora MySQL Metrics dashboard
  • PMM-2615: Fix wrong formatting in log which appears if pmm-qan-agent process fails to start
  • PMM-2592: MySQL Replication Dashboard shows error with multi-source replication
  • PMM-2327: Member State Uptime and Max Member Ping time charts on the MongoDB ReplSet dashboard return an error
  • PMM-955: Fix format of User Time and CPU Time Graphs on MySQL User Statistics dashboard
  • PMM-3522: CVE-2018-16492 and CVE-2018-16487

Help us improve our software quality by reporting any Percona Monitoring and Management bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system.

Percona XtraBackup 8.0.5 Is Now Available

Percona XtraBackup 8.0

Percona XtraBackup 8.0

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 8.0.5 on March 4, 2019. Downloads are available from our download site and from apt and yum repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, it drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backups.

Percona XtraBackup 8.0.5 introduces the support of undo tablespaces created using the new syntax (CREATE UNDO TABLESPACEavailable since MySQL 8.0.14. Percona XtraBackup also supports the binary log encryption introduced in MySQL 8.0.14.

Two new options were added to xbstream. Use the --decompress option with xbstream to decompress individual qpress files. With the --decompress-threads option, specify the number of threads to apply when decompressing. Thanks to Rauli Ikonen for this contribution.

This release of Percona XtraBackup is a General Availability release ready for use in a production environment.

All Percona software is open-source and free.

Please note the following about this release:

  • The deprecated innobackupex has been removed. Use the xtrabackup command to back up your instances: $ xtrabackup --backup --target-dir=/data/backup
  • When migrating from earlier database server versions, backup and restore and using Percona XtraBackup 2.4 and then use mysql_upgrade from MySQL 8.0.x
  • If using yum or apt repositories to install Percona XtraBackup 8.0.5, ensure that you have enabled the new tools repository. You can do this with the percona-release enable tools release command and then install the percona-xtrabackup-80 package.

New Features

  • PXB-1548: Percona XtraBackup enables updating the ib_buffer_pool file with the latest pages present in the buffer pool using the --dump-innodb-buffer-pool option. Thanks to Marcelo Altmann for contribution.
  • PXB-1768: Added support for undo tablespaces created with the new MySQL 8.0.14 syntax.
  • PXB-1781: Added support for binary log encryption introduced in MySQL 8.0.14.
  • PXB-1797: For xbstream, two new options were added. The --decompress option enables xbstream to decompress individual qpress files. The --decompress-threads option controls the number of threads to apply when decompressing. Thanks to Rauli Ikonen for this contribution.

Bugs Fixed

  • Using --lock-ddl-per-table caused the server to scan all records of partitioned tables which could lead to the “out of memory” error. Bugs fixed PXB-1691 and PXB-1698.
  • When Percona XtraBackup was started run with the --slave-info, incorrect coordinates were written to the xtrabackup_slave_info file. Bug fixed PXB-1737
  • Percona XtraBackup could crash at the prepare stage when making an incremental backup if the variable innodb-rollback-segments was changed after starting the MySQL Server. Bug fixed PXB-1785.
  • The full backup could fail when Percona Server was started with the --innodb-encrypt-tables parameter. Bug fixed PXB-1793.

Other bugs fixed: PXB-1632PXB-1715PXB-1770PXB-1771PXB-1773.

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.39-83.1 Is Now Available

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.39-83.1 on February 13, 2018. Based on MySQL 5.6.39, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.39-83.1 is now the current stable release in the 5.6 series.

Percona Server for MySQL is open-source and free. Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories.

Bugs Fixed
  • With innodb_large_prefix set to 1, Blackhole storage engine was incompatible with InnoDB table definitions, thus adding new indexes would cause replication errors on the slave. Fixed #1126 (upstream #53588).
  • Intermediary slave with Blackhole storage engine couldn’t record updates from master to its own binary log in case master has binlog_rows_query_log_events option enabled. Bug fixed #1119 (upstream #88057).
  • A build error on FreeBSD caused by fixing the bug #255 was present. Bug fixed #2284.
  • Server queries that contained JSON special characters and were logged by audit_log plugin in JSON format caused invalid output due to lack of escaping. Bug fixed #1115.
  • Compilation warnings fixed in  module. Bug fixed #3632 (upstream #77637).
  • A memory leak fixed in PFS unit test. Bug fixed #1806 (upstream #89384).
  • A GCC 7 warning fix introduced regression in Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.38-83.0 that lead to a wrong SQL query built to access the remote server when Federated storage engine was used. Bug fixed #1134.
  • Percona Server now uses Travis CI  for additional tests. Bug fixed #3777.

Other bugs fixed: #257, #1090 (upstream #78048), #1127, and #2415.

This release also contains fixes for the following CVE issues: CVE-2018-2562,
CVE-2018-2573, CVE-2018-2583, CVE-2018-2590, CVE-2018-2591, CVE-2018-2612,
CVE-2018-2622, CVE-2018-2640, CVE-2018-2645, CVE-2018-2647, CVE-2018-2665,
CVE-2018-2668, CVE-2018-2696, CVE-2018-2703, CVE-2017-3737.

TokuDB Changes
  • Percona fixed a memory leak in the PerconaFT library. Bug fixed #TDB-98.
  • A clang-format configuration was added to PerconaFT and TokuDB (bug fixed #TDB-104).

Other bugs fixed: #TDB-48, #TDB-78, #TDB-93, and #TDB-99.

Find the release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.39-83.1 in our online documentation. Report bugs in the Jira bug tracker.

ProxySQL 1.4.5 and Updated proxysql-admin Tool Now in the Percona Repository

ProxySQL 1.4.5

ProxySQL 1.4.5ProxySQL 1.4.5, released by ProxySQL, is now available for download in the Percona Repository along with an updated version of Percona’s proxysql-admin tool.

ProxySQL is a high-performance proxy, currently for MySQL and its forks (like Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB). It acts as an intermediary for client requests seeking resources from the database. René Cannaò created ProxySQL for DBAs as a means of solving complex replication topology issues.

The ProxySQL 1.4.5 source and binary packages available at include ProxySQL Admin – a tool, developed by Percona to configure Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes into ProxySQL. Docker images for release 1.4.5 are available as well: You can download the original ProxySQL from

This release fixes the following bugs in ProxySQL Admin:

Usability improvements:

  • #PSQLADM-6: If the cluster node goes offline, the proxysql_node_monitor script now sets the node status as OFFLINE_HARD, and does not remove it from the ProxySQL database. Also, logging is consistent regardless of the cluster node online status.
  • #PSQLADM-30: Validation was added for the host priority file.
  • #PSQLADM-33: Added --proxysql-datadir option to run the proxysql-admin script with a custom ProxySQL data directory.
  • Also, BATS test suite was added for the proxysql-admin testing.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed#PSQLADM-5: PXC mode specified with proxysql-admin with use of --mode parameter was not persistent.
  • Fixed#PSQLADM-8: ProxySQL High CPU load took place when mysqld was hanging.

ProxySQL is available under OpenSource license GPLv3.

This Week in Data with Colin Charles 28: Percona Live, MongoDB Transactions and Spectre/Meltdown Rumble On

Colin Charles

Colin CharlesJoin Percona Chief Evangelist Colin Charles as he covers happenings, gives pointers and provides musings on the open source database community.

In case you missed last week’s column, don’t forget to read the fairly lengthy FOSDEM MySQL & Friends DevRoom summary.

From a Percona Live Santa Clara 2018 standpoint, beyond the tutorials getting picked and scheduled, the talks have also been picked and scheduled (so you were very likely getting acceptance emails from the system by Tuesday). The rejections have not gone out yet but will follow soon. I expect the schedule to go live either today (end of week) or early next week. Cheapest tickets end March 4, so don’t wait to register!

Amazon Relational Database Service has had a lot of improvements in 2017, and the excellent summary from Jeff Barr is worth a read: Amazon Relational Database Service – Looking Back at 2017. Plenty of improvements for the MySQL, MariaDB Server, PostgreSQL and Aurora worlds.

Spectre/Meltdown and its impact are still being discovered. You need to read Brendan Gregg’s amazing post: KPTI/KAISER Meltdown Initial Performance Regressions. And if you visit Percona Live, you’ll see an amazing keynote from him too! Are you still using MyISAM? MyISAM and KPTI – Performance Implications From The Meltdown Fix suggests switching to Aria or InnoDB.

Probably the biggest news this week though? Transactions are coming to MongoDB 4.0. From the site, “MongoDB 4.0 will add support for multi-document transactions, making it the only database to combine the speed, flexibility, and power of the document model with ACID guarantees. Through snapshot isolation, transactions will provide a globally consistent view of data, and enforce all-or-nothing execution to maintain data integrity.”. You want to read the blog post, MongoDB Drops ACID (the title works if you’re an English native speaker, but maybe not quite if you aren’t). The summary diagram was a highlight for me because you can see the building blocks, plus future plans for MongoDB 4.2.


Link List

Upcoming appearances

  • SCALE16x – Pasadena, California, USA – March 8-11 2018
  • FOSSASIA 2018 – Singapore – March 22-25 2018


I look forward to feedback/tips via e-mail at or on Twitter @bytebot.