Business is back, baby! Hasta la VISTA, Win 8… Oh, yeah, Windows 9

Forget touchscreen millennials, Microsoft goes for mouse crowd

There’s nothing tech companies like more than creating buzz. The more buzz, the less substance – as a rash of me-too tablet events a few years back proved. Tomorrow, Microsoft is scheduled to host an event on the West Coast that many believe will be the scene of the unveiling of the next version of Windows.…

What’s a Chromebook good for? How about running PHOTOSHOP?

App streaming tech has Adobe’s flagship software running on bargain kit

Chromebooks are great for browsing the web, but they’re not much good for running applications like Photoshop – not yet, at any rate. But they may become much more versatile devices soon, thanks to a new experiment cooked up by Adobe and Google.…

Firms bash Bash bug with new round of Shellshock patches

Red Hat: ‘Applying multiple security updates is extremely difficult’

A fresh dump of Shellshock patches were released on Friday night in the latest move to stamp out the Bash shell security vulnerability that has the potential to blight millions of Linux, Unix and Mac OS X machines.…

‘Google is NOT the gatekeeper to the web, as some claim’

Plus: ‘Pretty sure iOS 8.0.2 will just turn the iPhone into a fax machine’

QuoTW  This was the week when the depths of the internet proved even darker and more twisty than usual when Emma Watson, actor and UN ambassador, gave a speech at the United Nations about feminism.…