PMM’s Custom Queries in Action: Adding a Graph for InnoDB mutex waits

PMM mutex wait graph

One of the great things about Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is its flexibility. An example of that is how one can go beyond the exporters to collect data. One approach to achieve that is using textfile collectors, as explained in  Extended Metrics for Percona Monitoring and Management without modifying the Code. Another method, whiceeeh is the subject matter of this post, is to use custom queries.

While working on a customer’s contention issue I wanted to check the behaviour of InnoDB Mutexes over time. Naturally, I went straight to PMM and didn’t find a graph suitable for my needs. No graph, no problem! Luckily anyone can enhance PMM. So here’s how I made the graph I needed.

The final result will looks like this:

Custom Queries

What is it?

Starting from the version 1.15.0, PMM provides user the ability to take a SQL SELECT statement and turn the resultset into a metric series in PMM. That is custom queries.

How do I enable that feature?

This feature is ON by default. You only need to edit the configuration file using YAML syntax

Where is the configuration file located?

Config file location is /usr/local/percona/pmm-client/queries-mysqld.yml by default. You can change it when adding mysql metrics via pmm-admin:

pmm-admin add mysql:metrics ... -- --queries-file-name=/usr/local/percona/pmm-client/query.yml

How often is data being collected?

The queries are executed at the LOW RESOLUTION level, which by default is every 60 seconds.

InnoDB Mutex monitoring

The method used to gather Mutex status is querying the PERFORMANCE SCHEMA, as explained here: but intentionally removed the SUM_TIMER_WAIT > 0 condition, so the query used looks like this:

FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name
WHERE EVENT_NAME LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex/innodb/%'

For this query to return data, some requirements need to be met:

  • The most important one: Performance Schema needs to be enabled
  • Consumers for “event_waits” enabled
  • Instruments for ‘wait/synch/mutex/innodb’ enabled.

If performance schema is enabled, the other two requirements are met by running these two queries:

update performance_schema.setup_instruments set enabled='YES' where name like 'wait/synch/mutex/innodb%';
update performance_schema.setup_consumers set enabled='YES' where name like 'events_waits%';

YAML Configuration File

This is where the magic happens. Explanation of the YAML syntax is covered in deep on the documentation:

The one used for this issue is:

    query: "SELECT EVENT_NAME, COUNT_STAR, SUM_TIMER_WAIT FROM performance_schema.events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name WHERE EVENT_NAME LIKE 'wait/synch/mutex/innodb/%'"
      - EVENT_NAME:
          usage: "LABEL"
          description: "Name of the mutex"
      - COUNT_STAR:
          usage: "COUNTER"
          description: "Number of calls"
          usage: "GAUGE"
          description: "Duration"

The key info is:

  • The metric name is mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex
  • Since EVENT_NAME is used as a label, it will be possible to have values per event

Remember that this should be in the queries-mysql.yml file. Full path /usr/local/percona/pmm-client/queries-mysqld.yml  inside the db node.

Once that is done, you will start to have those metrics available in Prometheus. Now, we have a graph to do!

Creating the graph in Grafana

Before jumping to grafana to add the graph, we need a proper Prometheus Query (A.K.A: PromQL). I came up with these two (one for the count_star, one for the sum_timer_wait):

topk(5, label_replace(rate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_COUNT_STAR{instance="$host"}[$interval]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ) or label_replace(irate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_COUNT_STAR{instance="$host"}[5m]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ))


topk(5, label_replace(rate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_SUM_TIMER_WAIT{instance="$host"}[$interval]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ) or label_replace(irate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_SUM_TIMER_WAIT{instance="$host"}[5m]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ))

These queries are basically: Return the rate values of each mutex event for a specific host. And make some regex to return only the name of the event, and discard whatever is before the last slash character.

Once we are good with our PromQL queries, we can go and add the graph.

Finally, I got the graph that I needed with a very small effort.

The dashboard is also published on the Grafana Labs Community dashboards site.


PMM’s collection of graphs and dashboard is quite complete, but it is also natural that there are specific metrics that might not be there. For those cases, you can count on the flexibility and ease usage of PMM to collect metrics and create custom graphs. So go ahead, embrace PMM, customize it, make it yours!

The JSON for this graph, so it can be imported easily, is:

  "aliasColors": {},
  "bars": false,
  "dashLength": 10,
  "dashes": false,
  "datasource": "Prometheus",
  "fill": 0,
  "gridPos": {
    "h": 18,
    "w": 24,
    "x": 0,
    "y": 72
  "id": null,
  "legend": {
    "alignAsTable": true,
    "avg": true,
    "current": false,
    "max": true,
    "min": true,
    "rightSide": false,
    "show": true,
    "sideWidth": 0,
    "sort": "avg",
    "sortDesc": true,
    "total": false,
    "values": true
  "lines": true,
  "linewidth": 2,
  "links": [],
  "nullPointMode": "null",
  "percentage": false,
  "pointradius": 0.5,
  "points": false,
  "renderer": "flot",
  "seriesOverrides": [
      "alias": "/Timer Wait/i",
      "yaxis": 2
  "spaceLength": 10,
  "stack": false,
  "steppedLine": false,
  "targets": [
      "expr": "topk(5, label_replace(rate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_COUNT_STAR{instance="$host"}[$interval]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" )) or topk(5,label_replace(irate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_COUNT_STAR{instance="$host"}[5m]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ))",
      "format": "time_series",
      "interval": "$interval",
      "intervalFactor": 1,
      "legendFormat": "{{ mutex }} calls",
      "refId": "A",
      "hide": false
      "expr": "topk(5, label_replace(rate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_SUM_TIMER_WAIT{instance="$host"}[$interval]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" )) or topk(5, label_replace(irate(mysql_global_status_innodb_mutex_SUM_TIMER_WAIT{instance="$host"}[5m]), "mutex", "$2", "EVENT_NAME", "(.*)/(.*)" ))",
      "format": "time_series",
      "interval": "$interval",
      "intervalFactor": 1,
      "legendFormat": "{{ mutex }} timer wait",
      "refId": "B",
      "hide": false
  "thresholds": [],
  "timeFrom": null,
  "timeShift": null,
  "title": "InnoDB Mutex",
  "tooltip": {
    "shared": true,
    "sort": 2,
    "value_type": "individual"
  "transparent": false,
  "type": "graph",
  "xaxis": {
    "buckets": null,
    "mode": "time",
    "name": null,
    "show": true,
    "values": []
  "yaxes": [
      "format": "short",
      "label": "",
      "logBase": 1,
      "max": null,
      "min": null,
      "show": true
      "decimals": null,
      "format": "ns",
      "label": "",
      "logBase": 1,
      "max": null,
      "min": "0",
      "show": true
  "yaxis": {
    "align": false,
    "alignLevel": null

Upcoming Webinar Thurs 3/14: Web Application Security – Why You Should Review Yours

Please join Percona’s Information Security Architect, David Bubsy, as he presents his talk Web Application Security – Why You Should Review Yours on March 14th, 2019 at 6:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 9:00 AM EDT (UTC-4).

Register Now

In this talk, we take a look at the whole stack and I don’t just mean LAMP.

We’ll cover what an attack surface is and some areas you may look to in order to ensure that you can reduce it.

For instance, what’s an attack surface?

Acronym Hell, what do they mean?

Vulnerability Naming, is this media naming stupidity or driving the message home?

Detection, Prevention and avoiding the boy who cried wolf are some further examples.

Additionally, we’ll cover emerging technologies to keep an eye on or even implement yourself to help improve your security posture.

There will also be a live compromise demo (or backup video if something fails) that covers compromising a PCI compliant network structure to reach the database system. Through this compromise you can ultimately exploit multiple failures to gain bash shell access over the MySQL protocol.

Live MySQL Slave Rebuild with Percona Toolkit

MySQL slave data out of sync

MySQL slave data out of syncRecently, we had an edge case where a MySQL slave went out-of-sync but it couldn’t be rebuilt from scratch. The slave was acting as a master server to some applications and it had data was being written to it. It was a design error, and this is not recommended, but it happened. So how do you synchronize the data in this circumstance? This blog post describes the steps taken to recover from this situation. The tools used to recover the slave were pt-slave-restartpt-table-checksum, pt-table-sync and mysqldiff.


To illustrate this situation, it was built a master x slave configuration with sysbench running on the master server to simulate a general application workload. The environment was set with a Percona Server 5.7.24-26 and sysbench 1.0.16.

Below are the sysbench commands to prepare and simulate the workload:

# Create Data
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=msandbox 
  --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --mysql-db=test --range_size=100 
  --table_size=5000 --tables=100 --threads=1 --events=0 --time=60 
  --rand-type=uniform /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_only.lua prepare
# Simulate Workload
sysbench --db-driver=mysql --mysql-user=root --mysql-password=msandbox 
  --mysql-socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --mysql-db=test --range_size=100 
  --table_size=5000 --tables=100 --threads=10 --events=0 --time=6000 
  --rand-type=uniform /usr/share/sysbench/oltp_read_write.lua --report-interval=1 run

With the environment set, the slave server was stopped, and some operations to desynchronize the slave were performed to reproduce the problem.

Fixing the issue

With the slave desynchronized, a restart on the replication was executed. Immediately, the error below appeared:

Last_IO_Errno: 1236
Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Could not find first log file name in binary log index file'

To recover the slave from this error, we had to point the slave to an existing binary log with a valid binary log position. To get a valid binary log position, the command shown below had to be executed on the master:

master [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > show master statusG
*************************** 1. row ***************************
File: mysql-bin.000007
Position: 218443612
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Then, a CHANGE MASTER command was run on the slave:

slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} (test) > change master to master_log_file='mysql-bin.000007', MASTER_LOG_POS=218443612;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
slave1 [localhost] {msandbox} (test) > start slave;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Now the slave had a valid binary log file to read, but since it was inconsistent, it hit another error:

Last_SQL_Errno: 1032
               Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Delete_rows event on table test.sbtest8; Can't find record in 'sbtest8', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.000005, end_log_pos 326822861

Working past the errors

Before fixing the inconsistencies, it was necessary to keep the replication running and to skip the errors. For this, the pt-slave-restart tool will be used. The tool needs to be run on the slave server:

pt-slave-restart --user root --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45008.sock --ask-pass

The tool skips errors and starts the replication threads. Below is an example of the output of the pt-slave-restart:

$ pt-slave-restart --user root --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock --ask-pass
Enter password:
2019-02-22T14:18:01 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007        1996 1146
2019-02-22T14:18:02 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007        8698 1146
2019-02-22T14:18:02 S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox45009.sock,p=...,u=root mysql-relay.000007       38861 1146

Finding the inconsistencies

With the tool running on one terminal, the phase to check the inconsistencies began. First things first, an object definition check was performed using mysqldiff utility. The mysqldiff tool is part of MySQL utilities. To execute the tool:

$ mysqldiff --server1=root:msandbox@localhost:48008 --server2=root:msandbox@localhost:48009 test:test --difftype=sql --changes-for=server2

And below are the differences found between the master and the slave:

1-) A table that doesn’t exist

# WARNING: Objects in server1.test but not in server2.test:
# TABLE: joinit

2-) A wrong table structure

# Comparing `test`.`sbtest98` to `test`.`sbtest98` [FAIL]
# Transformation for --changes-for=server2:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`sbtest98`
ADD INDEX k_98 (k);

Performing the recommendations on the slave (creating the table and the table modification) the object’s definition was now equal. The next step was to check data consistency. For this, the pt-table-checksum was used to identify which tables are out-of-sync. This command was run on the master server.

$ pt-table-checksum -uroot -pmsandbox --socket=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48008.sock --replicate=percona.checksums --create-replicate-table --empty-replicate-table --no-check-binlog-format --recursion-method=hosts

And an output example:

01 master]$ pt-table-checksum --recursion-method dsn=D=percona,t=dsns --no-check-binlog-format --nocheck-replication-filter --host --user root --port 48008 --password=msandbox
Checking if all tables can be checksummed ...
Starting checksum ...
  at /usr/bin/pt-table-checksum line 332.
Replica lag is 66 seconds on  Waiting.
Replica lag is 46 seconds on  Waiting.
Replica lag is 33 seconds on  Waiting.
02-26T16:27:59      0      0     5000          0       1       0   0.037 test.sbtest1
02-26T16:27:59      0      0     5000          0       1       0   0.039 test.sbtest10
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.033 test.sbtest100
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.034 test.sbtest11
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.040 test.sbtest12
02-26T16:27:59      0      1     5000          0       1       0   0.034 test.sbtest13

Fixing the data inconsistencies

Analyzing the DIFFS column it is possible to identify which tables were compromised. With this information, the pt-table-sync tool was used to fix these inconsistencies. The tool synchronizes MySQL table data efficiently, performing non-op changes on the master so they can be replicated and applied on the slave. The tools need to be run on the slave server. Below is an example of the tool running:

$ pt-table-sync --execute --sync-to-master h=localhost,u=root,p=msandbox,D=test,t=sbtest100,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock

It is possible to perform a dry-run of the tool before executing the changes to check what changes the tool will apply:

$ pt-table-sync --print --sync-to-master h=localhost,u=root,p=msandbox,D=test,t=sbtest100,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock
REPLACE INTO `test`.`sbtest100`(`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) VALUES ('1', '1654', '97484653464-60074971666-42998564849-40530823048-27591234964-93988623123-02188386693-94155746040-59705759910-14095637891', '15000678573-85832916990-95201670192-53956490549-57402857633') /*percona-toolkit src_db:test src_tbl:sbtest100 src_dsn:D=test,P=48008,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root dst_db:test dst_tbl:sbtest100 dst_dsn:D=test,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=localhost,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:17806 user:vinicius.grippa*/;
REPLACE INTO `test`.`sbtest100`(`id`, `k`, `c`, `pad`) VALUES ('2', '3007', '31679133794-00154186785-50053859647-19493043469-34585653717-64321870163-33743380797-12939513287-31354198555-82828841987', '30122503210-11153873086-87146161761-60299188705-59630949292') /*percona-toolkit src_db:test src_tbl:sbtest100 src_dsn:D=test,P=48008,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root dst_db:test dst_tbl:sbtest100 dst_dsn:D=test,S=/tmp/mysql_sandbox48009.sock,h=localhost,p=...,t=sbtest100,u=root lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:17806 user:vinicius.grippa*/;

After executing the pt-table-sync, we recommend that you run the pt-table-checksum again and check if the DIFFS column shows the value of 0.


This blog post was intended to cover all possible issues that could happen on a slave when it goes out-of-sync such as DDL operations, binary log purge and DML operations. This process involves many steps and it could take a long time to finish, especially in large databases. Note that this process might take longer than the backup/restore process. However, in situations like the one mentioned above, it might be the only solution to recover a slave.

Image based on Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash


Super Saver Discount Ends 17 March for Percona Live 2019


percona-live-2019-austin-tutorials-talksTutorials and initial sessions are set for the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2019, to be held May 28-30 at the Hyatt Regency in Austin, Texas! Percona Live 2019 is the premier open source database conference event for users of MySQL®, MariaDB®, MongoDB®, and PostgreSQL. It will feature 13 tracks presented over two days, plus a day of hands-on tutorials. Register now to enjoy our best Super Saver Registration rates which end March 17, 2019 at 11:30 p.m. PST.

Sample Sessions

Here is one item from each of our 13 tracks, samples from our full conference schedule.  Note too that many more great talks will be announced soon!

  1. MySQL®: The MySQL Query Optimizer Explained Through Optimizer Trace by Øystein Grøvlen of Alibaba Cloud.
  2. MariaDB®:  MariaDB Security Features and Best Practices by Robert Bindar of MariaDB Foundation.
  3. MongoDB®: MongoDB: Where Are We Going From Here? presented by David Murphy, Huawei
  4. PostgreSQL: A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing by Ibrar Ahmed, Percona
  5. Other Open Source Databases: ClickHouse Data Warehouse 101: The First Billion Rows by Alexander Zaitsev and Robert Hodges, Altinity
  6. Observability & Monitoring: Automated Database Monitoring at Uber with M3 and Prometheus by Rob Skillington and Richard Artoul, Uber
  7. Kubernetes: Complex Stateful Applications Made Easier with Kubernetes by Patrick Galbraith of Oracle MySQL
  8. Automation & AI: Databases at Scale, at Square by Emily Slocombe, Square
  9. Java Development for Open Source Databases: Introducing Java Profiling via Flame Graphs by Agustín Gallego, Percona
  10. Migration to Open Source Databases: Migrating between Proprietary and Open Source Database Technologies – Calculating your ROI by John Schultz, The Pythian Group
  11. Polyglot Persistence: A Tale of 8T (Transportable Tablespaces Vs Mysqldump) by Kristofer Grahn, Verisure AB
  12. Database Security & Compliance: MySQL Security and Standardization at PayPal by Stacy Yuan and Yashada Jadhav, Paypal Holdings Inc
  13. Business and Enterprise: MailChimp – Scale A MySQL Perspective by John Scott, MailChimp


Percona Live 2019 will be held at the downtown Hyatt Regency Austin Texas.  Located on the shores of Lady Bird Lake, it’s near water sports like kayaking, canoeing, stand-up paddling, and rowing. There are many food and historical sites nearby, such as the Texas Capitol, the LBJ Library, and Barton Springs Pool.  Book here for Percona’s conference room rate.


Sponsors of Percona Live 2019 can interact with DBAs, sysadmins, developers, CTOs, CEOs, business managers, technology evangelists, solution vendors, and entrepreneurs who typically attend Percona Live. Download our prospectus for more information.

Percona’s Open Source Data Management Software Survey


Click Here to Complete our New Survey!

Last year we informally surveyed the open source community and our conference attendees.
The results revealed that:

  • 48% of those in the cloud choose to self-manage their databases, but 52% were comfortable relying on the DBaaS offering of their cloud vendor.
  • 49% of people said “performance issues” when asked, “what keeps you up at night?”
  • The major decision influence for buying services was price, with 42% of respondents keen to make the most of their money.

We found this information so interesting that we wanted to find out more! As a result, we are pleased to announce the launch of our first annual Open Source Data Management Software Survey.

The final results will be 100% anonymous, and will be made freely available on Creative Commons.

How Will This Survey Help The Community?

Unlimited access to accurate market data is important. Millions of open source projects are in play, and most are dependent on databases. Accurate market data helps you track the popularity of different databases, as well as seeing how and where these databases are run. This helps us all build better software and take advantage of shifting trends.

Thousands of vendors are focused on helping SysAdmins, DBAs, and Developers get the most out of their database infrastructure. Insightful market data enables them to create better tools that meet current demands and grow the open source database market.

We want to assist companies who are still deciding what, how, and where to run their systems. This information will help them understand the industry direction and allow them to make an informed decision on the software and services they choose.

How Can You Help Make This Survey A Success?

Firstly, please share your insight into current trends and new developments in open source data management software.

Secondly, please share this survey with other people who work in the industry, and encourage them to contribute.

The more responses we receive, the more useful this will be to the whole open source community. If we missed anything, or you would like to ask other questions in future, let us know!

So tell us; who are the big fish, and which minnows are nibbling at their tails?! Is the cloud giving you altitude sickness, or are you flying high? What is the next big thing and is everyone on board, or is your company lagging behind?

Preliminary results will be presented at our annual Percona Live Conference in Austin, Texas (May 28-30, 2019) by our CEO, Peter Zaitsev and released to the open source community when finalized.

Click Here to Have Your Say!

MySQL Ripple: The First Impression of a MySQL Binlog Server

MySQL Ripple

MySQL RippleJust about a month ago, Pavel Ivanov released Ripple under the Apache-2.0 license. Ripple is a MySQL binlog server: software which receives binary logs from MySQL or MariaDB servers and delivers them to another MySQL or MariaDB server. Practically ,this is an intermediary master which does not store any data, except the binary logs themselves, and does not apply events. This solution allows saving of a lot of resources on the server, which acts only as a middle-man between the master and its actual slave(s).

The intermediary server, keeping binary logs only and not doing any other job, is a prevalent use case which allows us to remove IO (binlog read) and network (binlog retrieval via network) load from the actual master and free its resources for updates. The intermediary master, which does not do any work, distributes binary logs to slaves connected to it. This way you can have an increased number of slaves, attached to such a server, without affecting the application, running updates.

Currently, users exploit the Blackhole storage engine to emulate similar behavior. But Blackhole is just a workaround: it still executes all the events in the binary logs, requires valid MySQL installation, and has a lot of issues. Such a pain!

Therefore a new product which can do the same job and is released with an open source license is something worth trying.

A simple test

For this blog, I did a simple test. First, I installed it as described in the README file. Instructions are pretty straightforward, and I successfully built the server on my Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS laptop. Guidelines suggest to install


, and I replaced


which I had already on my machine. Probably this was not needed, but since the tool claims to support both MySQL and MariaDB binary log formats, I preferred to install the MariaDB client.

There is no manual of usage instructions. However, the tool supports


  command, and it is, again, straightforward.

The server can be started with options:

$./bazel-bin/rippled -ripple_datadir=./data -ripple_master_address= -ripple_master_port=13001 -ripple_master_user=root -ripple_server_ports=15000


  • -ripple-datadir

     : datadir where Ripple stores binary logs

  • -ripple_master_address

     : master host

  • -ripple_master_port

     : master port

  • -ripple_master_user

     : replication user

  • -ripple_server_ports

     : comma-separated ports which Ripple will listen

I did not find an option for securing binary log retrieval. The slave can connect to the Ripple server with any credentials. Have this in mind when deploying Ripple in production.

Now, let’s run a simple test. I have two servers. Both running on localhost, one with port 13001 (master) and another one on port 13002 (slave). The command line which I used to start


 , points to the master. Binary logs are stored in the data directory:

$ ls -l data/
total 14920
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sveta sveta 15251024 Mar 6 01:43 binlog.000000
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sveta sveta 71 Mar 6 00:50 binlog.index

I pointed the slave to the Ripple server with the command

mysql> change master to master_host='',master_port=15000, master_user='ripple';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.02 sec)

Then started the slave.

On the master, I created the database


  and ran sysbench


test for a single table. After some time, I stopped the load and checked the content of the table on master and slave:

master> select count(*) from sbtest1;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)
master> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 4162333567 |
1 row in set (0.11 sec)
slave> select count(*) from sbtest1;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.40 sec)
slave> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 1797645970 |
1 row in set (0.13 sec)
slave> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 4162333567 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

It took some time for the slave to catch up, but everything was applied successfully.

Ripple has nice verbose logging:

$ ./bazel-bin/rippled -ripple_datadir=./data -ripple_master_address= -ripple_master_port=13001 -ripple_master_user=root -ripple_server_ports=15000
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0306 15:57:13.641451 27908] InitPlugins
I0306 15:57:13.642007 27908] Setup
I0306 15:57:13.642937 27908] Starting binlog recovery
I0306 15:57:13.644090 27908] Scanning binlog file: binlog.000000
I0306 15:57:13.872016 27908] Binlog recovery complete
binlog file: binlog.000000, offset: 15251088, gtid: 6ddac507-3f90-11e9-8ee9-00163e000000:0-0-7192
I0306 15:57:13.872050 27908] Recovered binlog
I0306 15:57:13.873811 27908] Listen on host: localhost, port: 15000
I0306 15:57:13.874282 27908] Start
I0306 15:57:13.874511 27910] Master session starting
I0306 15:57:13.882601 27910] connected to host:, port: 13001
I0306 15:57:13.895349 27910] Connected to host:, port: 13001, server_id: 1, server_name:
W0306 15:57:13.898556 27910] master does not support semi sync
I0306 15:57:13.898583 27910] start replicating from '6ddac507-3f90-11e9-8ee9-00163e000000:0-0-7192'
I0306 15:57:13.899031 27910] Master session entering main loop
I0306 15:57:13.899550 27910] Update binlog position to end_pos: binlog.000000:15251152, gtid: 0-0-7192
I0306 15:57:13.899572 27910] Skip writing event [ Previous_gtids len = 67 ]
I0306 15:57:13.899585 27910] Update binlog position to end_pos: binlog.000000:15251152, gtid: 0-0-7192


it may be good to run more tests before using Ripple in production, and to explore its other options, but from a first view it seems to be a very nice and useful product.

Photo by Kishor on Unsplash

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 Is Now Available

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0

Percona Server for MySQL 5.6

Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 on March 15, 2019 (downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories).

This release includes fixes to bugs found in previous releases of Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

Incompatible changes

In previous releases, the audit log used to produce time stamps inconsistent with the ISO 8601 standard. Release 8.0.15-5 of Percona Server for MySQL solves this problem. This change, however, may break programs that rely on the old time stamp format.

Starting from release 8.0.15-5, Percona Server for MySQL uses the upstream implementation of binary log encryption. The variable encrypt_binlog is removed and the related command line option --encrypt_binlog is not supported. It is important that you remove the encrypt_binlog variable from your configuration file before you attempt to upgrade either from another release in the Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 series or from Percona Server for MySQL 5.7. Otherwise, a server boot error will be produced reporting an unknown variable. The implemented binary log encryption is compatible with the old format: the binary log encrypted in a previous version of MySQL 8.0 series or Percona Server for MySQL are supported.

See MySQL documentation for more information: Encrypting Binary Log Files and Relay Log Files and binlog_encryption variable.

This release is based on MySQL 8.0.14 and MySQL 8.0.15. It includes all bug fixes in these releases. Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.14 was skipped.

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 is now the current GA release in the 8.0 series. All of Percona’s software is open-source and free.

Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 includes all the features available in MySQL 8.0 Community Edition in addition to enterprise-grade features developed by Percona. For a list of highlighted features from both MySQL 8.0 and Percona Server for MySQL 8.0, please see the GA release announcement.


If you are upgrading from 5.7 to 8.0, please ensure that you read the upgrade guide and the document Changed in Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.

Bugs Fixed

  • The audit log produced time stamps inconsistent with the ISO 8601 standard. Bug fixed PS-226.
  • FLUSH commands written to the binary log could cause errors in case of replication. Bug fixed PS-1827 (upstream #88720).
  • When audit_plugin was enabled, the server could use a lot of memory when handling large queries. Bug fixed PS-5395.
  • The page cleaner could sleep for long time when the system clock was adjusted to an earlier point in time. Bug fixed PS-5221 (upstream #93708).
  • In some cases, the MyRocks storage engine could crash without triggering the crash recovery. Bug fixed PS-5366.
  • In some cases, when it failed to read from a file, InnoDB did not inform the name of the file in the related error message. Bug fixed PS-2455 (upstream #76020).
  • The ACCESS_DENIED field of the information_schema.user_statistics table was not updated correctly. Bugs fixed PS-3956 and PS-4996.
  • MyRocks could crash while running START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT if other transactions were in specific states. Bug fixed PS-4705.
  • In some cases, the server using the the MyRocks storage engine could crash when TTL (Time to Live) was defined on a table. Bug fixed PS-4911.
  • MyRocks incorrectly processed transactions in which multiple statements had to be rolled back. Bug fixed PS-5219.
  • A stack buffer overrun could happen if the redo log encryption with key rotation was enabled. Bug fixed PS-5305.
  • The TokuDB storage engine would assert on load when used with jemalloc 5.x. Bug fixed PS-5406.

Other bugs fixed: PS-4106PS-4107PS-4108PS-4121PS-4474PS-4640PS-5055PS-5218PS-5263PS-5328PS-5369.

Find the release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.15-5 in our online documentation. Report bugs in the Jira bug tracker.

Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.11-3.1 Is Now Available

Percona Server for MongoDB

Percona Server for MongoDB

Percona announces the release of Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.11-3.1 on March 15, 2019. Download the latest version from the Percona website or the Percona software repositories.

Percona Server for MongoDB is an enhanced, open source, and highly-scalable database that is a fully-compatible, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 3.6 Community Edition. It supports MongoDB 3.6 protocols and drivers.

Percona Server for MongoDB extends Community Edition functionality by including the Percona Memory Engine storage engine, as well as several enterprise-grade features. Also, it includes MongoRocks storage engine, which is now deprecated. Percona Server for MongoDB requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code.

Release 3.6.11-3.1 extends the buildInfo command with the psmdbVersion key to report the version of Percona Server for MongoDB. If this key exists then Percona Server for MongoDB is installed on the server. This key not available from MongoDB.


  • PSMDB-216: The database command buildInfo provides the psmdbVersion key to report the version of Percona Server for MongoDB. If this key exists then Percona Server for MongoDB is installed on the server. This key is not available from MongoDB.

The Percona Server for MongoDB 3.6.11-3.1 release notes are available in the official documentation.

PostgreSQL Upgrade Using pg_dumpall

migrating PostgreSQL using pg_dumpall

PostgreSQL logoThere are several approaches to assess when you need to upgrade PostgreSQL. In this blog post, we look at the option for upgrading a postgres database using pg_dumpall. As this tool can also be used to back up PostgreSQL clusters, then it is a valid option for upgrading a cluster too. We consider the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, and show you the steps needed to achieve the upgrade.

This is the first of our Upgrading or Migrating Your Legacy PostgreSQL to Newer PostgreSQL Versions series where we’ll be exploring different paths to accomplish postgres upgrade or migration. The series will culminate with a practical webinar to be aired April 17th (you can register here).

We begin this journey by providing you the most straightforward way to carry on with a PostgreSQL upgrade or migration: by rebuilding the entire database from a logical backup.

Defining the scope

Let’s define what we mean by upgrading or migrating PostgreSQL using pg_dumpall.

If you need to perform a PostgreSQL upgrade within the same database server, we’d call that an in-place upgrade or just an upgrade. Whereas a procedure that involves migrating your PostgreSQL server from one server to another server, combined with an upgrade from an older version (let’s say 9.3) to a newer version PostgreSQL (say PG 11.2), can be considered a migration.

There are two ways to achieve this requirement using logical backups :

  1. Using pg_dumpall
  2. Using pg_dumpall + pg_dump + pg_restore

We’ll be discussing the first option (pg_dumpall) here, and will leave the discussion of the second option for our next post.


pg_dumpall can be used to obtain a text-format dump of the whole database cluster, and which includes all databases in the cluster. This is the only method that can be used to backup globals such as users and roles in PostgreSQL.

There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages in employing this approach to upgrading PostgreSQL by rebuilding the database cluster using pg_dumpall.

Advantages of using pg_dumpall for upgrading a PostgreSQL server :

  1. Works well for a tiny database cluster.
  2. Upgrade can be completed using just a few commands.
  3. Removes bloat from all the tables and shrinks the tables to their absolute sizes.

Disadvantages of using pg_dumpall for upgrading a PostgreSQL server :

  1. Not the best option for databases that are huge in size as it might involve more downtime. (Several GB’s or TB’s).
  2. Cannot use parallel mode. Backup/restore can use just one process.
  3. Requires double the space on disk as it involves temporarily creating a copy of the database cluster for an in-place upgrade.

Let’s look at the steps involved in performing an upgrade using pg_dumpall:

  1. Install new PostgreSQL binaries in the target server (which could be the same one as the source database server if it is an in-place upgrade).

    -- For a RedHat family OS
    # yum install postgresql11*
    -- In an Ubuntu/Debian OS
    # apt install postgresql11
  2. Shutdown all the writes to the database server to avoid data loss/mismatch between the old and new version after upgrade.
  3. If you are doing an upgrade within the same server, create a cluster using the new binaries on a new data directory and start it using a port other than the source. For example, if the older version PostgreSQL is running on port 5432, start the new cluster on port 5433. If you are upgrading and migrating the database to a different server, create a new cluster using new binaries on the target server – the cluster may not need to run on a different port other than the default, unless that’s your preference.

    $ /usr/pgsql-11/bin/initdb -D new_data_directory
    $ cd new_data_directory
    $ echo “port = 5433” >>
    $ /usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_ctl -D new_data_directory start
  4. You might have a few extensions installed in the old version PostgreSQL cluster. Get the list of all the extensions created in the source database server and install them for the new versions. You can exclude those you get with the contrib module by default. To see the list of extensions created and installed in your database server, you can run the following command.

    $ psql -d dbname -c "dx"

    Please make sure to check all the databases in the cluster as the extensions you see in one database may not match the list of those created in another database.

  5. Prepare a postgresql.conf file for the new cluster. Carefully prepare this by looking at the existing configuration file of the older version postgres server.
  6. Use pg_dumpall to take a cluster backup and restore it to the new cluster.

    -- Command to dump the whole cluster to a file.
    $ /usr/pgsql-11/bin/pg_dumpall > /tmp/dumpall.sql
    -- Command to restore the dump file to the new cluster (assuming it is running on port 5433 of the same server).
    $ /usr/pgsql-11/bin/psql -p 5433 -f /tmp/dumpall.sql

    Note that i have used the new pg_dumpall from the new binaries to take a backup.
    Another, easier, way is to use PIPE to avoid the time involved in creating a dump file. Just add a hostname if you are performing an upgrade and migration.

    $ pg_dumpall -p 5432 | psql -p 5433
    $ pg_dumpall -p 5432 -h source_server | psql -p 5433 -h target_server
  7. Run ANALYZE to update statistics of each database on the new server.
  8. Restart the database server using the same port as the source.

Our next post in this series provides a similar way of upgrading your PostgreSQL server while at the same time providing some flexibility to carry on with changes like the ones described above. Stay tuned!

Image based on photo by Sergio Ortega on Unsplash

Upcoming Webinar Thurs 3/21: MySQL Performance Schema in 1 hour

MySQL Performance Schema in 1 hour

MySQL Performance Schema in 1 hourPlease join Percona’s Principal Support Engineer, Sveta Smirnova, as she presents MySQL Performance Schema in 1 hour on Thursday, March 21st, 2019, at 10:00 am PDT (UTC-7) / 1:00 pm EDT (UTC-4).

Register Now

MySQL 8.0 Performance Schema is a mature tool, used by humans and monitoring products. It was born in 2010 as “a feature for monitoring server execution at a low level.” The tool has grown over the years with performance fixes and DBA-faced features. In this webinar, I will give an overview of Performance Schema, focusing on its tuning, performance, and usability.

Performance Schema helps to troubleshoot query performance, complicated locking issues and memory leaks. It can also troubleshoot resource usage, problematic behavior caused by inappropriate settings and much more. Additionally, it comes with hundreds of options which allow for greater precision tuning.

Performance Schema is a potent and very complicated tool. What’s more, it does not affect performance in most cases. However, it collects a lot of data and sometimes this data is hard to read.

In this webinar, I will guide you through the main Performance Schema features, design, and configuration. You will learn how to get the best of it. I will cover its companion sys schema and graphical monitoring tools.

In order to learn more, register for MySQL Performance Schema in 1 hour today.