Featured Talk: The Future of Replication is Today: New Features in Practice

In the past years, both MySQL 5.6, MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10 have been successful implementing new features. For many DBAs, the “old way” of replicating data is comfortable so taking the action to implement these new features seems like a momentous leap rather then a simple step. But perhaps it isn’t that complicated…

Giuseppe Maxia, a Quality Assurance Architect at VMware and loyal member of the Percona Live Confepercona-2015DSC_4112rence Committee will be presenting “The Future of Replication is Today: New Features in Practice” at the Percona Live Data Performance Conference this September in Amsterdam.
Percona’s Community Manager, Tom Diederich had an opportunity to catch up with Giuseppe last week and get an in-depth look at some of the items Giuseppe will be covering in his talk in addition to getting his take on some of the hot sessions to hit while at the conference.  This is how it went:

(Hint: Read to the end to find a special discount code) 


Tom: Your talk is titled, “The Future of Replication is today: new features in practice.” What are the top 3 areas in which replication options have improved in MySQL 5.6, MySQL 5.7, and MariaDB 10?
Giuseppe: Replication has been stagnant for over 10 years. Before MySQL 5.6, the only important change in the technology was the introduction of row-based replication in 2008. After that, we had to wait till 2013 to see global transaction identifiers in MySQL 5.6, followed by the same feature, with different implementation in 2014 with MariaDB 10. GTID has been complemented, in both flavors, with crash-safe replication tables, which is a feature that guarantees a reliable resume of replication after a server failure. There is also the parallel applier, a minor feature that has been implemented in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB, and improved in latest versions, although it seems to lack proper support for monitoring. The last feature that was introduced in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10 is multi-source replication, i.e. the ability of replicating from multiple masters to a single slave. In both editions, the implementation is quite simple, and not so different from what DBAs are used to do for regular replication.
Tom: For DBAs, how difficult will it be to make the change from the “old way” of replicating data — to stop using the same comfortable features that have been around for several years — and put into practice some of the latest features?
Giuseppe: The adoption of new features can be deceptively simple. For example, GTID in MariaDB comes out of the box and its adoption could be as easy as running a backup followed by a restore, but it can produce unpleasant results if you try to combine this feature with multi-source replication without planning ahead. That said, the transition could be simpler than its counterpart in MySQL.
MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 require some reconfiguration to run GTID, and users can face unpleasant failures due to the complexity of the rules applying to this feature. They will need to read the manual thoroughly and test the deployment extensively before trusting an upgrade in production.
For multi-source replication, the difficulties are, in my experience, hidden in the users expectations. When speaking about multi-source (or multi-masters, as it is commonly referred to), many users have the mistaken expectation that they can easily insert anything in multiple masters as if they were doing it in a single server. However, the nature of asynchronous replication and the current implementation of multi-source topologies do not handle conflicts, and this fact will probably surprise and anger the early adopters.
Tom: What is still missing in replication technology? How can MySQL improve?
Giuseppe: There are two areas where the current implementation is lacking. The first one is monitoring data: while new features have been adding up to replication, there is not enough effort made to cover the monitoring needs. The current way of monitoring replication is hard-wired around the original replication feature, and little has been done to give the users a deeper view of what is going on. With the latest releases at our disposal, we can run parallel replication using multiple masters, and yet we have very little visibility on what goes on inside the dozen of threads that the new features can unchain inside a single slave. It’s like driving a F1 racing car with the dashboard of a Ford model-T. MySQL 5.7 has moved a few steps in that direction, with the new replication tables in performance_schema, but it is still a drop in the ocean compared to what we need.
The second area where replication is still too much tied with its past is in heterogeneous replication. While relational databases are still dominating the front-end of the web economy, its back-end is largely being run by different structures, such as Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra. Moving data back and forth between the relational storage and its growing siblings has become an urgent need. There have been a few sparks of change in this direction, but nothing that can qualify as promising changes.
Tom: Which other session(s) are you most looking forward to besides your own?
Giuseppe: I am always interested in the sessions that explain and discuss new features. I am most interested in the talks by Oracle engineers, who have been piling up many features in the latest years, and I am sure they have something more up their sleeve that will appear at the conference. I also attend eagerly sessions about complementary tools, which are usually highly educational and often give me more ideas.

Want to read more on the topic? Visit Giuseppe’s blog:

 MySQL Replication Monitoring 101

The Percona Live Data Performance Conference is the premier event for the rich and diverse MySQL, NoSQL and data in the cloud ecosystems in Europe. It is the place to be for the open source community as well as businesses that thrive in the MySQL, NoSQL, cloud, big data and IoT (Internet of Things) marketplaces. Attendees include DBAs, sysadmins, developers, architects, CTOs, CEOs, and vendors from around the world.

This year’s conference will feature one day of tutorials and two days of keynote talks and breakout sessions related to MySQL, NoSQL and Data in the Cloud. Attendees will get briefed on the hottest topics, learn about building and maintaining high-performing deployments and hear from top industry leaders.

The Percona Live Europe Data Performance Conference will be September 21-23 at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre.

Register using code “FeaturedTalk” and save 20 euros off of registration!

Hope to see you in Amsterdam!

The post Featured Talk: The Future of Replication is Today: New Features in Practice appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

How much could you benefit from MySQL 5.6 parallel replication?

I have heard this question quite often: “At busy times, our replicas start lagging quite frequently. We are using N schemas, so which performance boost could we expect from MySQL 5.6 parallel replication?” Here is a quick way to give you a rough estimate of the potential benefit.

General idea

In MySQL 5.6, parallelism is added at the schema level. So in theory, if you have N schemas and if you use N parallel threads, replication could be up to N times faster. This assumes at least 2 things:

  • Replication throughput scales linearly with the number of parallel threads.
  • Writes are evenly distributed across schemas.

Both assumptions are of course not realistic. But it is easy to know the distribution of writes, and that can already give you an idea about how much you could benefit from parallel replication.

Writes are stored in binary logs but it is much easier to work with the slow query log, so we can enable full slow query logging for some time with long_query_time = 0 and then use pt-query-digest to analyze the resulting log file.

An example

I have a test server with 3 schemas, and I’ve run some sysbench load on it to get a decent slow query log file. Once done, I can run this command:

pt-query-digest --filter '$event->{arg} !~ m/^select|^set|^commit|^show|^admin|^rollback|^begin/i' --group-by db --report-format profile slow_query.log > digest.out

and here is the result I get:

# Profile
# Rank Query ID Response time  Calls  R/Call V/M   Item
# ==== ======== ============== ====== ====== ===== ====
#    1 0x       791.6195 52.1% 100028 0.0079  0.70 db3
#    2 0x       525.1231 34.5% 100022 0.0053  0.68 db1
#    3 0x       203.4649 13.4% 100000 0.0020  0.64 db2

In a perfect world, with 3 parallel threads and if each schema would handle 33% of the total write workload, I could expect a 3x performance improvement.

However here we can see in the report that the 3 replication threads will only work simultaneously 25% of the time in the best case (13.4/52.1 = 0.25). We can also expect 2 replication threads to work simultaneously for some part of the workload, but let’s ignore that for clarity.

It means that instead of the theoretical 200% performance improvement (3 parallel threads 100% of the time), we can hardly expect more than a 50% performance improvement (3 parallel threads 25% of the time). And the reality is that the benefit will be much lower than that.


Parallel replication in MySQL 5.6 is a great step forward, however don’t expect too much if your writes are not evenly distributed across all your schemas. The pt-query-digest trick I shared can give you a rough idea whether your workload is a good fit for multi-threaded slaves in 5.6.

I’m expecting much better results for 5.7, partly because parallelism is handled differently, but also because you can tune how efficient parallel replication will be by adjusting the binlog group commit settings.

The post How much could you benefit from MySQL 5.6 parallel replication? appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

Advanced Query Tuning in MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7 Webinar: Q&A

Thank you for attending my July 22 webinar titled “Advanced Query Tuning in MySQL 5.6 and 5.7” (my slides and a replay available here). As promised here is the list of questions and my answers (thank you for your great questions).

Q: Here is the explain example:

mysql> explain extended select id, site_id from test_index_id where site_id=1
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: test_index_id
         type: ref
possible_keys: key_site_id
          key: key_site_id
      key_len: 5
          ref: const
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using where; Using index

why is site_id a covered index for the query, given the fact that a) we are selecting “id”, b) key_site_id only contains site_id?

As the table is InnoDB, all secondary keys will always contain primary key (“id”); in this case the secondary index will contain all needed information to satisfy the above query and key_site_id will be “covered index”

Q: Applications change over time. Do you suggest doing a periodic analysis of indexes that are being used and drop the ones that are not? If yes, any suggestions as to tackle that?

Yes, that is a good idea. Usually it can be done easily with Percona toolkit or Performance_schema in MySQL 5.6

  1. Enable slow query log and log every query, then use Pt-index-usage tool
  2. Or use the following query (as suggested by FromDual blog post):
SELECT object_schema, object_name, index_name
  FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage
 WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL
   AND count_star = 0
 ORDER BY object_schema, object_name;

Q: Does the duplicate index is found on 5.6/5.7 will that causes an performance impact to the db while querying?

Duplicate keys can have negative impact on selects:

  1. MySQL can get confused and choose a wrong index
  2. Total index size can grow, which can cause MySQL to run out of RAM

Q: What is the suggested method to measure performance on queries (other than the slow query log) so as to know where to create indexes?

Slow query log is most common method. In MySQL 5.6 you can also use Performance Schema and use events_statements_summary_by_digest table.

Q: I’m not sure if this was covered in the webinar but… are there any best-practices for fulltext indexes?

That was not covered in this webinar, however, I’ve done a number of presentations regarding Full Text Indexes. For example: Creating Geo Enabled Applications with MySQL 5.6

Q: What would be the limit on index size or number of indexes you can defined per table?

There are no limits on Index size on disk, however, it will be good (performance wise) to have active indexes fit in RAM.

In InnoDB there are a number of index limitations, i.e. a table can contain a maximum of 64 secondary indexes.

Q:  If a table has two columns you would like to sum, can you have that sum indexed as a calculated index? To add to that, can that calculated index have “case when”?

Just to clarify, this is only a feature of MySQL 5.7 (not released yet).

Yes, it is documented now:

CREATE TABLE triangle (
  sidea DOUBLE,
  sideb DOUBLE,
  sidec DOUBLE AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb))

Q: I have noticed that you created indexes on columns like DayOfTheWeek with very low cardinality. Shouldn’t that be a bad practice normally?

Yes, you are right! Unless, you are doing queries like “select count(*) from … where DayOfTheWeek = 7” those indexes may not be very useful.

Q: I saw an article that if you don’t specify a primary key upfront mysql / innodb creates one in the background (hidden). Is it different from a primary key itself, if most of the where fields that are used not in the primary / semi primary key? And is there a way to identify the tables with the hidden primary key indexes?

The “hidden” primary key will be 6 bytes, which will also be appended (duplicated) to all secondary keys. You can create an INT primary key auto_increment, which will be smaller (if you do not plan to store more than 4 billion rows). In addition, you will not be able to use the hidden primary key in your queries.

The following query (against information_schema) can be used to find all tables without declared primary key (with “hidden” primary key):

SELECT tables.table_schema, tables.table_name, tables.table_rows
FROM information_schema.tables
  SELECT table_schema, table_name
  FROM information_schema.statistics
  GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, index_name
      CASE WHEN non_unique = 0 AND nullable != 'YES' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    ) = COUNT(*)
) puks
ON tables.table_schema = puks.table_schema AND tables.table_name = puks.table_name
WHERE puks.table_name IS NULL
AND tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND engine='InnoDB'

You may also use mysql.innodb_index_stats table to find rows with the hidden primary key:


mysql> select * from mysql.innodb_index_stats;
| database_name | table_name | index_name      | last_update         | stat_name    | stat_value | sample_size | stat_description                  |
| test          | t1         | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 2015-08-08 20:48:23 | n_diff_pfx01 | 96         | 1           | DB_ROW_ID                         |
| test          | t1         | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 2015-08-08 20:48:23 | n_leaf_pages | 1          | NULL        | Number of leaf pages in the index |
| test          | t1         | GEN_CLUST_INDEX | 2015-08-08 20:48:23 | size         | 1          | NULL        | Number of pages in the index      |

Q: You are using the alter table to create index, but how does mysql sort the data for creating the index? isn’t it uses temp table for that?

That is a very good question: the behavior of the “alter table … add index” has changed over time. As documented in Overview of Online DDL:

Historically, many DDL operations on InnoDB tables were expensive. Many ALTER TABLE operations worked by creating a new, empty table defined with the requested table options and indexes, then copying the existing rows to the new table one-by-one, updating the indexes as the rows were inserted. After all rows from the original table were copied, the old table was dropped and the copy was renamed with the name of the original table.

MySQL 5.5, and MySQL 5.1 with the InnoDB Plugin, optimized CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX to avoid the table-copying behavior. That feature was known as Fast Index Creation

When MySQL uses “Fast Index Creation” operation it will create a set of temporary files in MySQL’s tmpdir:

To add a secondary index to an existing table, InnoDB scans the table, and sorts the rows using memory buffers and temporary files in order by the values of the secondary index key columns. The B-tree is then built in key-value order, which is more efficient than inserting rows into an index in random order.

Q: How good is InnoDB deadlocks on 5.7 comparing to 5.6 version. Is that based on parameters setup?

InnoDB deadlocks discussion is outside of the scope of this presentation. Valerii Kravchuk and Nilnandan Joshi did an excellent talk at Percona Live 2015 (slides available): Understanding Innodb Locks and Deadlocks

Q: What is the performance impact of generating a virtual column for a table having 66 Million records and generating the index. And how would you go about it? Do you have any suggestions on how to re organize indexes on the physical disk?

As MySQL 5.7 is not released yet, behavior of the virtual columns may change.  The main question here is: will it be online operations to a) add a virtual column (as this is only metadata change it should be very light operation anyway). b) add index on that virtual column. In the labs released it was not online, however this can change.

Thank you again for attending.

The post Advanced Query Tuning in MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7 Webinar: Q&A appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

Getting EXPLAIN information from already running queries in MySQL 5.7

When a new version of MySQL is about to be released we read a lot of blog posts about the performance and scalability improvements. That’s good but sometimes we miss some small features that can help us a lot in our day-to-day tasks. One good example is the blog post that Aurimas wrote about a new small feature in MySQL 5.6 that I didn’t know about until I read it: the Automatic InnoDB transaction log file size change. How cool is that?

I plan to write a series of blog posts that will show some of those small new features in MySQL 5.7 that are going to be really useful. I’m going to start with EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION.

This feature allows us to run an EXPLAIN for an already running statement. Let’s say that you find a query that has been running for a long time and you want to check why that could be happening. In 5.7 you can just ask MySQL to EXPLAIN the query that a particular connection is running and get the execution path. You can use it if the query is a SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, REPLACE or UPDATE. Won’t work if the query is a prepared statement though.

Let me show you an example of how it works.

We have a long running join.

mysql [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > show processlist G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
     Id: 9
   User: msandbox
   Host: localhost
     db: employees
Command: Query
   Time: 49
  State: Sending data
   Info: select count(*) from employees, salaries where employees.emp_no = salaries.emp_no

Let’s see the execution plan for the query:

mysql [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > explain for connection 9 G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: employees
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 299540
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: NULL
*************************** 2. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: salaries
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 2803840
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)

The join between those tables is not using any index at all so there is some room for improvement here :)


You can use this feature to see why a query is running for too long and based on the info decide how to fix it and how to proceed. This is going to be a very useful feature for DBAs who want to diagnose performance problems and slow queries.

The post Getting EXPLAIN information from already running queries in MySQL 5.7 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.