MySQL Ripple: The First Impression of a MySQL Binlog Server

MySQL Ripple

MySQL RippleJust about a month ago, Pavel Ivanov released Ripple under the Apache-2.0 license. Ripple is a MySQL binlog server: software which receives binary logs from MySQL or MariaDB servers and delivers them to another MySQL or MariaDB server. Practically ,this is an intermediary master which does not store any data, except the binary logs themselves, and does not apply events. This solution allows saving of a lot of resources on the server, which acts only as a middle-man between the master and its actual slave(s).

The intermediary server, keeping binary logs only and not doing any other job, is a prevalent use case which allows us to remove IO (binlog read) and network (binlog retrieval via network) load from the actual master and free its resources for updates. The intermediary master, which does not do any work, distributes binary logs to slaves connected to it. This way you can have an increased number of slaves, attached to such a server, without affecting the application, running updates.

Currently, users exploit the Blackhole storage engine to emulate similar behavior. But Blackhole is just a workaround: it still executes all the events in the binary logs, requires valid MySQL installation, and has a lot of issues. Such a pain!

Therefore a new product which can do the same job and is released with an open source license is something worth trying.

A simple test

For this blog, I did a simple test. First, I installed it as described in the README file. Instructions are pretty straightforward, and I successfully built the server on my Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS laptop. Guidelines suggest to install


, and I replaced


which I had already on my machine. Probably this was not needed, but since the tool claims to support both MySQL and MariaDB binary log formats, I preferred to install the MariaDB client.

There is no manual of usage instructions. However, the tool supports


  command, and it is, again, straightforward.

The server can be started with options:

$./bazel-bin/rippled -ripple_datadir=./data -ripple_master_address= -ripple_master_port=13001 -ripple_master_user=root -ripple_server_ports=15000


  • -ripple-datadir

     : datadir where Ripple stores binary logs

  • -ripple_master_address

     : master host

  • -ripple_master_port

     : master port

  • -ripple_master_user

     : replication user

  • -ripple_server_ports

     : comma-separated ports which Ripple will listen

I did not find an option for securing binary log retrieval. The slave can connect to the Ripple server with any credentials. Have this in mind when deploying Ripple in production.

Now, let’s run a simple test. I have two servers. Both running on localhost, one with port 13001 (master) and another one on port 13002 (slave). The command line which I used to start


 , points to the master. Binary logs are stored in the data directory:

$ ls -l data/
total 14920
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sveta sveta 15251024 Mar 6 01:43 binlog.000000
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sveta sveta 71 Mar 6 00:50 binlog.index

I pointed the slave to the Ripple server with the command

mysql> change master to master_host='',master_port=15000, master_user='ripple';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.02 sec)

Then started the slave.

On the master, I created the database


  and ran sysbench


test for a single table. After some time, I stopped the load and checked the content of the table on master and slave:

master> select count(*) from sbtest1;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)
master> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 4162333567 |
1 row in set (0.11 sec)
slave> select count(*) from sbtest1;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.40 sec)
slave> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 1797645970 |
1 row in set (0.13 sec)
slave> checksum table sbtest1;
| Table | Checksum |
| sbtest.sbtest1 | 4162333567 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

It took some time for the slave to catch up, but everything was applied successfully.

Ripple has nice verbose logging:

$ ./bazel-bin/rippled -ripple_datadir=./data -ripple_master_address= -ripple_master_port=13001 -ripple_master_user=root -ripple_server_ports=15000
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0306 15:57:13.641451 27908] InitPlugins
I0306 15:57:13.642007 27908] Setup
I0306 15:57:13.642937 27908] Starting binlog recovery
I0306 15:57:13.644090 27908] Scanning binlog file: binlog.000000
I0306 15:57:13.872016 27908] Binlog recovery complete
binlog file: binlog.000000, offset: 15251088, gtid: 6ddac507-3f90-11e9-8ee9-00163e000000:0-0-7192
I0306 15:57:13.872050 27908] Recovered binlog
I0306 15:57:13.873811 27908] Listen on host: localhost, port: 15000
I0306 15:57:13.874282 27908] Start
I0306 15:57:13.874511 27910] Master session starting
I0306 15:57:13.882601 27910] connected to host:, port: 13001
I0306 15:57:13.895349 27910] Connected to host:, port: 13001, server_id: 1, server_name:
W0306 15:57:13.898556 27910] master does not support semi sync
I0306 15:57:13.898583 27910] start replicating from '6ddac507-3f90-11e9-8ee9-00163e000000:0-0-7192'
I0306 15:57:13.899031 27910] Master session entering main loop
I0306 15:57:13.899550 27910] Update binlog position to end_pos: binlog.000000:15251152, gtid: 0-0-7192
I0306 15:57:13.899572 27910] Skip writing event [ Previous_gtids len = 67 ]
I0306 15:57:13.899585 27910] Update binlog position to end_pos: binlog.000000:15251152, gtid: 0-0-7192


it may be good to run more tests before using Ripple in production, and to explore its other options, but from a first view it seems to be a very nice and useful product.

Photo by Kishor on Unsplash